Letter to Ondurga

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Letter to Ondurga

Post by Erik »

To Ondurga Yorisdaughter,

My thanks for your care of Queensgift House during my absence. I have offered the post of groom to one Torben Dungshuvier of the Balmyr, please make him welcome and teach him his duties and have him measured for his livery. I have offered him an extra week of per month, like yourself.
Can I ask you to visit the establishment known as "The Pea Pod" and ask the landlord Jorl to send me weekly supplies of pea and ham soup whilst I am at the front? The food here on campaign is basic to say the least, and a reminder of the better fare back in Boldhome will raise my spirits greatly.
I note that the Warlord of the Eleven Lights seems not to appreciate your many virtues. If you plan to reapply to them, would you wish me to write a letter of commendation to Silik Harevason to persuade him to allow you to join? (OOC: should I use a favour on him?)

My best wishes,

Erik Stargazer
Posts: 132
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Re: Letter to Ondurga

Post by Ondurga »

My dear sir,

Of course I shall ensure Torben has whatsoever is required to allow him to enter your service appropriately dressed, provisioned, and prepared.

I will also liase with Jorl of the Peapod as you ask, and see what can be done to send provisions, that will not worsen with travel, to the front.

Lastly, yes, I do plan to reapply, and any aid you might furnish in shifting the otherwise intransient mind of Silik Harevason would be most welcome [ooc: I have a 50:50 chance, but Puckohue has a long and honourable tradition of rolling utter shit for me!]

Always your servant,

Ondurga Yorisdaughter
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
Posts: 322
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Re: Letter to Ondurga

Post by Erik »

To Warlord Silik Haravason of the Eleven Lights,


I wish to commend to you my good friend Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad clan. She volunteered last month to join your regiment and, despite the vacancies in your ranks, she was declined! I can only think that this was some kind of administrative mistake. Ondurga is brave, as witnessed by her willingness to defend herself in affairs of honour, and also by her volunteering to join the planned Heroquest this coming Sacred Time. Her organisational skills are excellent, as I have seen from her time as Housekeeper at my small Mansion, Queensgift House, so she would make an excellent adjutant for your regiment. She is also a follower of Orlanth, so will fit in well with the Eleven Lights. I know that she intends to apply once more this month, and I urge you to do the right thing and welcome her into your unit.
I write this from the frozen plains of Tarsh, where I serve against the Lunars. I send my best wishes to yourself and hope we may serve together at some point.

Erik Stargazer
Lt. Warlord Mularik's Company
Runelord of Orlanth
Aide to City Ring
Colymar Tribe

(OOC: Erik will be using a favour to improve Ondurga's chances of being accepted into the Eleven Lights this month).
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