The Pea Pod in Late Storm Season

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The Pea Pod in Late Storm Season

Post by Quatlu »

The air was crisp and cold this evening, and the aroma of wood smoke from many chimneys gave a nice scent to his nostrils as Quatlu breathed it all in. His steps were brisk as he headed for the Pea Pod, and his regular place by the fire place. This was his favorite time of year, as he favored the invigorating cold that gripped the city of Boldhome. It made him feel alive and well as the cold wind whipped by around him, like a playful lover teasing the determined Wind Lord. He opened the door and entered quickly, mindful of the cold blast that entered with him and drew cries from patrons near the entry. "Sorry... sorry... my apologies", he said in response to their complaints as he strode across the room to his regular table. As he hung his heavy cloak on a wall peg, the owner, Jorl, came up bearing his usual joviality and asked for the Wind Lord's pleasure this evening. "Mulled wine, my friend, and heavy on the cloves if you please." Quatlu took his seat and wondered who might also stop by this evening to share a mug and perhaps a smoke, to share the news of the day and the plans his friends were making for Late Storm.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:12 pm

Re: The Pea Pod in Late Storm Season

Post by Julian »

Julian Sartarvutson, ever interesting in hearing news from more senior folk slipped into the Pea Pod sealing up the door to keep out the wind and the chill. He orders a beer From Jorl and waves to Quatlu before making his way over to his senior.
Sir he says, I am keen to attend your ceremony this month and to follow you on the Quest! Am I worthy? Meanwhile I have a lot of work to do with the regiment and to prepare myself for the trials I am soon to face!
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
Posts: 280
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: The Pea Pod in Late Storm Season

Post by Quatlu »

Upon seeing his new Ten Thane enter the Pea Pod, Quatlu smiled broadly and motioned for Julian to come and take a seat. "Good to see you taking your ease at a reputable establishment, Julian", he said with a wink. "I was pleased to see your application to advance to Ten Thane this last month, and I trust all is well in your new company?" He raised his mug and offered a toast to Julian's promotion in the Royal Foot Guards, then held up a hand and said, "And lest we forget to honor our god, we celebrate your initiation into the Great Temple of Orlanth and your declared dedication to the Storm god. My sincere congratulations, Julian, for an absolutely stellar season in your life." He motioned to Jorl for a new round and then said, "I will be pleased to have you attend the ceremony in Week Four, and I am honored that you would go with me on the Hero Quest during Sacred Time. You are indeed a most worthy warrior to be a part of this Hero Quest, Julian. I'm not certain that I will be the one leading the team, but I have no doubt that the company of adventurers making the attempt will be worthy of the effort. I know I shall be pleased to count you as my comrade in this coming quest, and we will be in good company."

Quatlu took a long drink of his mulled wine and then said, "Your rise in the regiment suits your honorable character, Julian, and I look forward to having you lead men in the coming campaign season. On that very subject, I note to you that there is currently an open position for a Hundred Thane in the Royal Foot Guards... as your Warlord, may I strongly suggest that you apply for that open commission? Your application will be received with great favor, and it would place you in a strong position to lead warriors who will respond well to solid leadership."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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