1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

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1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »


Boldhome is a fascinating city, especially in winter. Nestled between the Thorgeir's Cow and Raven Peak, the city is surrounded by majestic mountains that cast long shadows as the sun sets early. The cold season brings a serene beauty to Boldhome, with snow blanketing the peaks and the valleys, creating a picturesque landscape.

The city's architecture, built high above the plains in a split valley, is designed to withstand the harsh winter conditions. The streets and buildings are often covered in a layer of snow, and the crisp air is filled with the scent of burning wood from the hearths. The city remains vibrant and bustling despite the cold, with markets and public spaces alive with activity.

Winter in Boldhome also means a time for community gatherings and celebrations. The citizens, wrapped in warm furs, come together to share stories, food, and warmth. The temples and guilds play a significant role during this season, organizing events and rituals to honor the gods and ensure the city's prosperity.

Money Matters

As snowflakes danced through the crisp air of Boldhome, newcomer Torben and the Hundred-thane Baroness Ivarenna found themselves at the halls of the moneylenders. There, amidst the flickering torchlight and the scent of parchment, they secured loans to further their ambitions. Meanwhile, Hundred-thane Fionn repaid a longstanding debt.

In the bustling markets, Quatlu and Torben indulged in lavish displays of wealth, their purchases drawing the eyes of many and adding a touch of opulence to the wintery streets.

Elsewhere, Garoor, seeking new alliances and opportunities, pledged his loyalty to the renowned Fantarn’s, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his journey.


Fionn was appointed Aide to Tosti Runefriend, the City Lawspeaker.

Baron Rufus was appointed Aide to City Ring Member Vadar Farasinson.

Quatlu was appointed Aide to City Ring Member Korolrai Soldason.

Erik was appointed Aide to City Ring Member Gahyakt Lonislallason.

Grumbold was appointed Aide to City Ring Member Orannega Oranieensdaughter.

Baroness Ivarenna was appointed Aide to Goldgotti, the City Treasurer.

Cult Ranks and Resignations

Erik was unable to convince Assistant Priest of Orlanth Saral Fartipson to resign, despite using his personal influence, and that of his new appointment.

Baroness Ivarenna did not make any Rune Lord of Issaries resign.

Afur was promoted to Assistant Rune Lord of Ernalda.

Erik was promoted to Wind Lord of Orlanth, and Julian to Initiate.

Erinestra was promoted to Rune Lord of Issaries, and Grumbold to God-talker.

Fionn was not promoted to Assistant Rune Lord of Lhankor Mhy.

Garoor lacked the social standing necessary for an Assistant Rune Lord of Storm Bull.

Military Matters

The City Warmaster Orstalor Spearlord decided on the summer campaign organisation for 1632. (I rolled 3, so row 23 on the table.)

Hundred-thane Fionn persuaded Lt Warlord Dangak Esynnson of the Free Philosophers to resign. He then bought the rank for himself.

Thane Julian bought the rank of Ten-thane in the Royal Foot Guards.

Baron Rufus volunteered for the front with the 1st and 2nd battalions of Mularik’s Company.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Torben sought solace and divine favor at the sacred temple of Uleria, his prayers mingling with the incense-laden air.

Meanwhile, Garoor and Harold honed their martial skills within the barracks, the clash of their weapons resonating through the cold, crisp air.

At the temple of Issaries, Afur and Sod, alongside Erinestra and Arng, participated in a ceremony, their reverence evident as they paid homage to the priest, their actions a blend of devotion and deference. Similarly, Fionn, with a heart full of respect, engaged in a Humakt ceremony, his gestures of reverence directed towards the assistant priestess.

Julian, with Harmeleenrios by his side, approached the temple of Orlanth. There, he displayed an ostentatious piety, his actions meticulously crafted to earn the favor of the priestess.

Amidst these spiritual endeavors, Grumbold remained steadfast at his shop, tending to his wares, ensuring that the needs of Boldhome’s citizens were met even in the depths of winter.

Baroness Ivarenna hosted an intimate pre-wedding celebration at the renowned Three Suns tavern. The establishment was adorned with flickering lanterns and fragrant evergreens, creating a cozy haven from the biting cold outside.

The only guest at this exclusive gathering was the Wind Lord Quatlu. He bestowed his blessings upon the couple, his words carrying the weight of divine favor. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of sacredness and anticipation, as the Baroness and her betrothed received the Wind Lord’s benedictions, marking the beginning of their journey together.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Harold dedicated yet another week to rigorous weapon training at the Colymar stables. The clang of steel and the disciplined shouts of his instructors echoed through the frosty air.

Afur guided Sod to a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth. The sacred rites, performed under the watchful eyes of the priests, were a blend of reverence and tradition, binding the participants closer to their deity.

Meanwhile, Erinestra and Fionn found themselves within the halls of the Lhankor Mhy library. There, amidst the ancient tomes and the flickering candlelight, they participated in a ceremony, their actions marked by a deep deference to the High Priestess. Fionn, in particular, displayed a conspicuous piety, his every gesture and word crafted to earn the favor of the revered High Priestess.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Wedding of Baroness Ivarenna and Silast

The wedding took place on the towering cliffs above the city. The sky above was full of swirling clouds, dark and foreboding, yet streaked with flashes of lightning that illuminated the scene in brief, brilliant bursts. A constant breeze tugged at the garments of the assembled guests, carrying with it the distant rumble of thunder.

At the center of the plateau stood a massive stone altar, carved with ancient runes that spoke of Orlanth’s might. Surrounding the altar were tall, weathered pillars, each topped with bronze braziers that crackled with sacred fire, their flames defying the wind. The guests, clad in furs and leather adorned with bronze jewelry and storm symbols, formed a wide circle around the altar, murmuring prayers to the storm god as they awaited the ceremony. In the crowd were Garoor with Terdis, Grumbold with Oneldna, Julian with Harmeleenrios, Ondurga, Quatlu and Darra, and Torben.

Silast was escorted by his kinsmen, each bearing a spear, the weapons glistening with moisture from the misty air. He was dressed in a tunic of deep blue, symbolizing the stormy sky, with a cloak of gray wolf fur draped over his shoulders. His bronze arm bands and necklace were inscribed with lightning bolts, signifying his dedication to the storm god. As he approached the altar, a peal of thunder echoed through the sky, a sign of the god’s approval.

Ivarenna's entrance was heralded by a sudden gust of wind that sent the flames in the braziers dancing. Her gown, donated by Grumbold, was a flowing garment of dark gray, with silver threads woven through it to mimic the patterns of lightning in the sky.

The priest, Anath Saliamarerson, an elderly figure with a long, braided beard and eyes that flashed like lightning, stepped forward to officiate the ceremony. He raised his hands to the sky, chanting in a deep, resonant voice that seemed to harmonize with the wind and thunder. Ivarenna and Silast knelt before the altar, each placing a hand on the sacred stone, feeling its cold, rough surface beneath their fingers.

The priest began by calling upon the storm god, invoking the deity’s power and presence. He asked for the god’s blessing upon the union, that their marriage might be as strong and enduring as the storm, but also as passionate and unpredictable. He then poured a libation of fermented honey mead onto the altar, the liquid sizzling as it touched the sacred stone, releasing a fragrant steam that mingled with the mist in the air.

Next, they exchanged their vows, speaking not only to each other but to the storm god who watched over them. They promised to protect each other as the storm protects the land, fierce and unyielding. Their words were carried away by the wind, echoing across the plateau.

To seal their vows, the priest presented each with a piece of bronze jewelry—a bracelet for the groom, a torc for the bride—both shaped like entwined lightning bolts. As they placed the jewelry on each other, the sky above darkened, and a sudden bolt of lightning struck the altar, splitting the sky with a deafening crack. The assembled guests gasped, then cheered, for this was a sure sign of the storm god’s favor.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Wedding Feast

With the ceremony complete, the guests moved to a nearby longhouse, a great hall built of stone and timber, where a feast awaited. Inside, the air was warm and filled with the scent of roasting meat, hearty stews, and fresh bread. Long tables were laden with food, and bronze goblets brimming with wine and mead were passed around. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the storm god’s many deeds, and the flickering light from the hearths and torches cast dancing shadows across the room.

Erik, who was off to the front, had sent presents: matching engraved glass goblets, one engraved with "Ivarenna and Silast," the other with "Silast and Ivarenna." The goblets were to be an eternal reminder to put their lover before themselves. Quatlu also brought gifts.

As the feast progressed, bards and skalds took turns recounting tales of Orlanth’s exploits, weaving stories of battles fought beneath the tempest and lovers united by lightning. Dancers performed in the center of the hall, their movements mimicking the wild energy of the storm, while musicians played on flutes and drums, their rhythms echoing the thunder outside.

The night ended with Ivarenna and Silast leading a procession back to the plateau, where they lit a ceremonial fire that burned bright against the dark sky. As the flames leaped high, the guests joined hands and danced in a circle around the fire, their voices rising in song, thanking Orlanth for his blessings and asking for his protection in the days to come.

In the heart of the storm, under the watchful eye of their god, Ivarenna and Silast stood together, their hands clasped, ready to face whatever storms life might bring them.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Duel Between Garoor and Ondurga

Throughout the day, a palpable tension simmered between the Storm Bull Garoor and the Eurmali Ondurga. The air crackled with unspoken animosity, each glance exchanged between the two laden with the promise of conflict. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the wedding feast, the inevitable confrontation loomed ever closer.

Unable to quell their rising tempers, Garoor and Ondurga resolved to settle their differences in a duel before returning to their respective homes. The guests, sensing the gravity of the moment, formed a wide circle around the combatants, their murmurs hushed in anticipation.

Of equal stature and skill, both wielded broadswords, their blades gleaming in the fading light.

The duel commenced with a flurry of strikes, each combatant testing the other’s defenses. Garoor’s aggressive fighting style left holes in his defense, which Ondurga seized upon. With a series of precise and devastating strikes, she exploited the openings in Garoor’s defense, each hit landing with unerring accuracy. The crowd gasped as Garoor staggered, blood seeping from his wounds, his balance faltering under the relentless assault.

Ondurga’s dominance was unwavering; she pressed her advantage with the grace of a seasoned predator, never allowing Garoor a moment to recover. The duel was brief. Realizing the futility of further resistance, Garoor, battered and bleeding, conceded defeat with a heavy heart.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Baroness Ivarenna pledged herself to the cult of Ernalda, embracing the ancient rites and wisdom of the Earth Mother. Meanwhile, Torben, with a false beard, sought knowledge and enlightenment as a lay member of the cult of Lhankor Mhy, the god of wisdom and learning.

Fionn, driven by a thirst for knowledge, joined the esteemed Loremasters Guild, immersing himself in the study of ancient texts and lore.

Afur and Sod spent their week at the Three Suns, sharing stories and strengthening their bonds.

Fionn also dedicated time to honing his martial skills, practicing the battle axe at the Royal Foot Guards barracks, the sound of steel ringing through the cold air.

Garoor participated in a Storm Bull ceremony, showing reverence to the rune lord with fervent devotion. Harold, accompanied by the noble Yeoth Tarynsdaughter, attended an Orlanth ceremony, where he displayed conspicuous piety and deference to the rune lord.

Grumbold devoted his week to the study of his cult’s teachings, delving deep into the mysteries and rituals that defined his faith. Quatlu, on the other hand, pursued his studies at the Military Academy, sharpening his strategic mind and martial prowess.

Amidst all this, Erinestra remained steadfast at her shop, tending to her business with care and dedication.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Ondurga sought to join the prestigious Eleven Lights regiment, but her application was met with rejection.

Garoor participated in a ceremony at the Storm Bull temple, showing deference to the assistant priest and displaying conspicuous piety. The newlywed Baroness Ivarenna, accompanied by Silast, attended the temple of Ernalda, while Julian sought the blessings of Orlanth at his temple, and Torben visited the Lhankor Mhy library, each showing conspicuous piety in their own way.

Erinestra immersed herself in the study of Homeland Lore at the Lhankor Mhy library, while Grumbold dedicated himself to a second week of intense cult studies, deepening his understanding of his faith. Fionn lent his assistance at the Military Academy, where Quatlu was among the diligent students.

Harold spent a third week honing his broadsword skills at the Colymar stables, the clang of steel a testament to his dedication. Meanwhile, Afur practiced with the spear at the temple of Orlanth, perfecting his technique under the watchful eyes of the priests.
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Re: 1631 - 11 (Early Storm) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Front

Mularik's Company

With Baroness Ivarenna and her 3rd battalion entrusted to safeguard the homeland, Warlord Baron Rufus marshaled the regiment, braving the relentless snowstorms that swept across the landscape. The journey to the Lunar front was fraught with peril, as icy winds howled like vengeful spirits and the biting cold gnawed at the very marrow of their bones.

Upon reaching the contested region of Tarsh, the regiment received orders to engage in field operations against the Lunar forces. Under the cloak of night they navigating treacherous terrain and evading enemy patrols. The air was thick with tension as they executed a series of strategic maneuvers, aiming to disrupt the enemy’s supply lines and gather crucial intelligence.

Despite their valiant efforts and the unwavering courage displayed by Baron Rufus and Erik, the outcome of these operations remained inconclusive. The Lunar forces proved to be a formidable adversary, their defenses as unyielding as the frozen earth beneath their feet.

Erik’s performance was spectacular, however, earning him a chance at a title and two mentions, which granted him a second title attempt. He also looted hundreds of Lunars.

Baron Rufus had been promoted, had he not declined, though he kept the little loot he found.

Mularik's Company remain at the front for Late Storm Season.