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Brear Hofarson
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:36 am


Post by Brear Hofarson »

To: The Good People of Boldhome

My dear friends,

It has been hurtful to learn of a few instances of suspicion and speculation surrounding my offer to both contribute towards and co-ordinate the Ransom for Griselna.

I appreciate that my cousin Broar may have undertaken, inadvertently I'm sure, one or two past actions during his time in Boldhome that may have seemed unorthodox or a little eccentric but I am not he and so kindly ask folk to remember that and at least give me a chance to prove my own worth without 'punishing' me for his perceived misdemeanours. After all we Hofarsons are a most honourable people, back in the village where I lived before moving here it was extremely rare, almost unheard of actually, for the name Hofarson to be mentioned without it being preceded by the word 'honourable'. My own father is known as the Honourable Harald Hofarson and his father was Hroar Hofarson the Highly Honourable, it's not just the men of the family that are regarded this way either my aunt is a much respected lady in her own right and if you come to our village you'll hear people give tale of Highfalutin Hettie Hofarsdaughter. So, you see, we've a fine name and reputation to protect.

Now, getting back to this ransom business......the pledges are, encouragingly, starting to come in and the current pledges are as follows -

Erik Stargazer 200 lunars
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter 200 lunars
Broar Hofarson 300 lunars
Brear Hofarson 10 lunars
Grumbold Rahlefson 100 lunars
- - - - - - - -
Total = 810 lunars

According to recent rumour the Lunar Empire, who hold Griselna captive, want at least 700 lunars for her release so the good news is that we have met that target....HOWEVER....who can fully trust this sneaky lot and Grumbold made a fine point by stating that paying over the odds, i.e. 1 1/2 or 2 times the set figure, is likely to further boost the chance of a successful ransom acceptance.

As Ransom Co-ordinator back here in Boldhome can I urge those who have yet to pledge please do so now as time is pressing and we really need to know what our final assembled funds are so that negotiations can commence. I believe that Griselna herself has some funds so it may well be that she is able to compensate those of use who have donated funds upon her safe return.

ON A FINAL POINT.....I give my TOTAL AND HONEST, HAND ON HEART, OATH TO MY GODS etc that this is a GENUINE pledge and offer on my part to act as Co-ordinator, as well as contribute and I am also ABLE TO CONFIRM that the remaining funds of cousin BROAR amount to a little over 300 lunars so the money is there and already set aside now towards the ransom. I sincerely ask my fellow Boldhomers to give me a chance to prove myself, I STATE IT PLAINLY NOW - FOR ALL TO SEE - THAT THERE WILL BE NO THEFT OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF THE MONIES BY ME (OR BROAR) SHOULD THIS EVER BE SUCH A CASE I WILL VOLUNTARILY SURRENDER MYSELF TO CITY AUTHORITIES.

So, in summary, can those who have pledged forward their donations direct to me - a receipt and acknowledgement will be forthcoming for each one received - and I'll get on with bringing Griselna back to Boldhome.

(OOC - Include in your orders the transfer of lunars to Brear Hofarson, I will then include in mine the Ransom negotiation / payment)

Brear Hofarson
Initiate of Chalana Arroy
Lay member of Eurmal
Regimental Healer of the Eleven Lights
Posts: 183
Joined: Fri May 19, 2023 11:07 pm


Post by grumbold99 »


I accept that the antics of yourself and your cousin provide frustration and often great amusement to the residents of Boldhome. The city would be a much less interesting place without you. As you are a worshipper of Eurmal, whose taboos include 'being boring' and 'promoting harmony' I would expect nothing less. However for that very reason I would not entrust any money to you for the purpose of ransom or anything else.

I do not know who would customarily handle such matters - perhaps the City Administrator or City Treasurer? I will release my money to that official to handle with suitable probity.

When I return to Boldhome I will be seeking spiritual enlightenment from the higher priests of Issaries and Orlanth to understand why cults of such integrity are comfortable associating with his worshippers. Perhaps it is this flaw in my understanding that has prevented my elevation in the ranks of Issaries.

Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
Brear Hofarson
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:36 am


Post by Brear Hofarson »

grumbold99 wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:52 pm Brear,

I accept that the antics of yourself and your cousin provide frustration and often great amusement to the residents of Boldhome. The city would be a much less interesting place without you. As you are a worshipper of Eurmal, whose taboos include 'being boring' and 'promoting harmony' I would expect nothing less. However for that very reason I would not entrust any money to you for the purpose of ransom or anything else.

I do not know who would customarily handle such matters - perhaps the City Administrator or City Treasurer? I will release my money to that official to handle with suitable probity.

When I return to Boldhome I will be seeking spiritual enlightenment from the higher priests of Issaries and Orlanth to understand why cults of such integrity are comfortable associating with his worshippers. Perhaps it is this flaw in my understanding that has prevented my elevation in the ranks of Issaries.

Oh, Grumbold......Grumbold.....sigh, Grumbold. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed by your words, I had you down as someone I could call a friend, a good friend, even though we haven't really met properly YET what do I read....after opening up my heart to everyone and promising etc....cynicism and a declaration that you'd never entrust any money to me for anything! Gosh!

Look, my still considered friend, we Eurmalians aren't bad you know, misunderstood yes, persecuted yes but bad, no. Remember also that I'm primarily a Chalana Arroy Initiate, a follower of the Goddess of Peace and Kindness so that should have given more reassurance to you than my relatively humble membership of Eurmal that was bestowed upon me for my great Erik costume at the recent Trickster's Feast.

Anyway, getting back to my promise and offer to act as Co-ordinator of Griselna's Ransom Fund. Seriously how did you think I either could or would compromise / break my promise and not enter negotiations with her captors?! Didn't I say if I went back on my word and misappropriated the monies I voluntarily surrender myself to the City Authorities....yes, I did! Therefore the only reason the monies wouldn't have been spent on securing Griselna's release would have been something extraordinary happening like me being, for example, accosted and robbed by a gang of Ducks on my way to hand over the monies. The money being stolen it wouldn't therefore have been my fault, or a misappropriation of the funds, and I could have held my head up high and told the Deputy for Public Harmony exactly what had happened and therefore it had been a tragedy all round that I had been roughed up and poor Griselna subsequently executed...all because of the damn ducks. I'm sure I could have picked up a few feathers here and there as proof / evidence to pass over to the Deputy along with a full description of the assailants, short, orange beaks, they waddled a lot etc so the Deputy could have sent agents to hunt them down.

"Ah", I hear you say "But you could have got those feathers from one of the City markets and passed them off as belonging to the gang members"!

"Yes", I'd reply "However, I gave my word and promise so I wouldn't have done such a thing would I".

So........I hope this has triggered a wee pang or two of guilt in you for your lack of trust in me and perhaps a quiet period of reflection at your temple may open your eyes to allowing a bit more belief and understanding in the future.

Your disappointed friend,

Brear Hofarson
Initiate of Chalana Arroy
Lay member of Eurmal
Saviour of Boldhome
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