To the Deputy of Public Harmony

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To the Deputy of Public Harmony

Post by Erik »

My lady Insterda Jarlvasdaughter,

Forgive me for troubling you, but I wish to bring a warning of potential treason to your notice, The Regimental Healer of Mularik's company is plotting to resign from the regiment, rather than do his duty and accompany his unit to the front for the forthcoming campaign. This will reduce the efficiency of the regiment and, to my mind, would therefore be treasonous. I therefore urge you to keep an eye of one Broar Hofarson and, should he fail to perform his sworn duty to King and Boldhome, to charge him with treason and desertion. He could, of course, clear himself of this charge by simply remaining with the regiment and helping his city against the Lunar enemy.

I am at your service,

Erik Stargazer
Hundred Thane of Mularik's Company
God talker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe.
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Re: To the Deputy of Public Harmony

Post by Torben »

Deputy Insterda Jarlvasdaughter,

I'm having to write to you from my sickbed, in the hospital wing at the Chalana Arroy Temple, over the disquieting word that has reached me concerning the latest delusional ramblings of one Erik Stargazer, also known to many as Erik Starkraving.

Many good friends of mine within the Chalana Arroy and Orlanth cults are saying that he is trying to besmirch my good name, whats more more other close friends and colleagues that served alongside me in Mularik's Company have reported seeing him ranting & raving around the barracks, flushed red in the face and with spittle running down his chin, screaming about how come Broar is an ASSISTANT RUNELORD and he is only a simple God Talker, a God Talker who keeps getting rejected when he applies to be anything higher!

Apparently the foundation of his complaint, I'm not really sure what else to call it, is an accusation of treason. This being based upon the fact that an individual, in this instance me, has tendered, all quite legally, his resignation from a job due to personal illness. An illness that has been observed by other respected healers, Chalana Arroy members & cult officials, skilled in the arts of medicine with the advice that until such time as a diagnosis can be determined complete and total bed rest, with no stress, is the professionally recommended treatment.

Now how, I ask, can that be treason?! If anything it clearly proves the gallant personal sacrifice being made by the individual, i.e. me, to miss out on going to the Front with his colleagues but in the knowledge of by doing so he will not be a burden upon them and, thus, allowing them no distraction in their task of defeating the enemy and therefore bringing glory to our City. When responsibly I sought to inform my regimental colleagues of my illness, thereby showing worthy responsibility so they may have notice to find a replacement Regimental Healer, his response was to call me a coward!! That, I'm afraid, reveals the true nature of this Erik and the true state of his deranged mind as it is widely known around Boldhome that I'm a past veteran of the Malani Tribal Levy, having served at the Front on campaign, one of the City's top duellist's, prior to my retirement from the ways of the sword to the ways of peace and harmony. He also seems to entirely forget that I also served at the Front as Regimental Healer in his own Company and braved numerous arrow storms to rush to the aid of our dying Lt. Warlord, when some of the regiment said this Erik had been spotted hiding underneath a dead horse! Indeed just before she died she said she how little credit is given to Regimental Healers as they have no weapons to protect them, no fancy armour or personal bodyguard, only their own great bravery and the heartfelt desire to help others that suffice to give them a far greater courage than, say, a Hundred Thane.

You may recall I have written to you before regarding this Erik, giving you my concerns about his instability and how I believe he poses a real threat to Boldhome, the rumours still persist that he is someway involved with either the forces of Chaos or the Lunar Empire, it could even be both for all I know?! That has to be the case otherwise how else would someone like him have managed to weasel his way through the ranks of Boldhome society, it appears he has even cast some kind of sorcery over the Queen and swindled her into giving him a free house!

With the deepest respect for your well known skills as our Deputy of Public Harmony may I request again that this Erik Stargazer be formally arrested as a public menace and that you have your agents properly interrogate him to find out exactly which enemy he is working for, I'm happy to help with this interrogation as we in Chalana Arroy, with our extensive knowledge of the human body, know all the right places to concentrate upon to soon get a spy talking & revealing all!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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