Musings from the warlord's chair

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Musings from the warlord's chair

Post by Rufus »

Rufus was proud to finally have official command of Mularik's company. He had been in charge for a little while now, but it was not official and he had been nervous that senior commanders might overlook his ambitions. Now he had the official scroll, all beautifully laid out. He gazed at it one more time before putting it away and getting on with the tasks in hand. First things first - Erik Stargazer to be promoted!

He summoned the duck in charge of administration. "Duck O'Hugh" he thundered "Erik Stargazer is to be made Lt Warlord! With immediate effect!" Duck O'Hugh, however did not immediately scamper off to put the orders into effect. "Warlord Bronzer, I regret to inform you that promotions and appointments are handled by "higher-ups." You do not have the authority to grant ranks in the regiment". Rufus was stunned, muttering a barely audible "dismissed" as Duck O' Hugh sidled out.

It was the second recent reverse. He had recently received a title and he was inordinately proud of that - and had been granted a stead with it - something contrary to custom. Someone had pointed this out to the authorities and the delightful stead had been forfeited. The "someone" who had informed the authorities was generally unknown - some speculated it was Grumbold, smarting from being defeated in a duel. Others formed the view that a person thwarted in their ambitions might have been the informant. Rufus knew the answer, though. It had been himself. Rufus the stickler for status and one's proper position in society had been mortified to have usurped the prerogative of a drighten that he had volunteered the concern when he visited the palace. It was noted and swiftly corrected.

Indeed, sorting things out and paying attention to Daraea had taken all his time at the Spring Feast. However, he noted that Erik was getting on very well with the beautiful Queen. Rufus was impressed with Erik's courage. Spending time with royalty was a dangerous though sometimes rewarding activity. He wished Erik well and gave a covert "thumbs up" to his fellow officer - though he wasn't sure Erik had seen him.

If two issues had not gone well, at least the regimental healer hadn't left the regiment. That was good news for all concerned. Broar would avoid the expense of joining the guards and Rufus felt confident that Broar would find both fame and fortune by remaining with Mularik's company. Rufus was confident that Mularik's company would have a gloriously successful campaigning season.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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