At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

General in character posts
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

As the men sat there talking, Quatlu decided to ask them a question about the forthcoming Campaigning Season. "Gentlemen, you have all served time at the Front and I have not yet had that honor. Can you tell me what I can do (in pre-turn) before we move out? What can we order and what is not done? Do we pay club memberships and temple donations? Your answers would assist me greatly."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Erik »

Erik heard Quatlu's query as he ready himself to leave. "As I recall our Inns do not ask for our usual monthly subscriptions, nor do we pay for the cost of our horses and grooms. We receive our usual allowances from our families (if any) and our pay from our regimental and temple ranks. However the temples do not require our usual tithe from our income for the months we are at the front - although there is nothing to stop you offering it anyway. We can apply, I believe, for promotion in regiment and temple for vacant posts or for appointments which are due. However, if you have a lover whom you have been supporting, it is wise to continue with that support if you wish to retain their affections. or, you could send them a note releasing them from their vows of loyalty - "I will not have you weep for me should I fall at the front or be a captive of our vile foe, therefore I set you free from our affair - though I look forward to wooing and winning you once more should I have the fortune to return victorious from the fray".... that type of message, then you can save the money you would have spent on them during the campaign. Please note that I in no way advocate such an action, indeed, I would frown on it as being unworthy of a gentleman or lady. I have no knowledge of what obligations members of guilds would have if away at the front.And I know that if there are affairs of honour due to be settled, that they can take place immediately before we depart".
Erik paused. "I hope that is of some use. Does anyone else have useful comments on the matter?"
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu listens attentively to Erik as he speaks about preparing for Campaigning. It answers his questions and sets his mind at ease. "I am with you on the matter of our lovers, Erik, as I would never abandon the affections of my Darra for any reason. I shall write to her each day and look forward to her letters to me in return at the Front." He now felt more confident in the coming campaign season and would await the Front with relish.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
Posts: 176
Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:21 pm

Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Fionn »

Fionn, sitting quietly in a corner mulling on the Orlanth ceremony he attended, recalls a message that came to him in a dream;
"No, you don't pay support cost, inn dues, lover support, cult dues, horse&groom support, shop cost etc when at the front."
Fionn the dagger, soldier (leader Free Philosophers) and scholar (Loremaster).
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