Letter to Mularik's Company Regimental Healer

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Letter to Mularik's Company Regimental Healer

Post by Rufus »

To Broar Hofarson, Regimental Healer Mularik's Company,

I wish to inform you of my disappointment in your announced intention to leave the Company and join the Guards.
Naturally the desire to progress is to be lauded and the Guards may well be seen as the pinnacle of military service.

Obviously, you leaving Mularik's company would be to the detriment of the regiment as it heads to the front and I had hoped that for the sake of the regiment and its soldiers, you will continue to minister to our wounded comrades.

It is my duty however, to look after all of those in my command and seek their best interests. In this case, I believe that your best interests are to remain with Mularik's Company. Allow me to explain.

You may not realise this, but your approach to life is somewhat unconventional - even idiosyncratic. Fortunately, in a magical regiment, we can be tolerant of individual foibles as such behaviour is quite usual to those with magical aptitude. The Guards, however, as is right and proper, are a very formal regiment. Rigorous discipline, conventional behaviour and knowing one's place are de rigueur in this formation and I fear you may rapidly fall foul of the standards of etiquette necessarily required by the Guards.

This concern for your welfare may be something that you may not appreciate, so let me add a further matter.

Mularik's regiment has operated at the front for some time and has gained veteran status. The officers have won valuable experience and are now highly effective in leading this force. Let me be clear, I am in no way criticising the commanders of the Guards who, I have no doubt are brave and capable. It is only that the Company's recent experience at the front has given them, in my view, a combat edge over all other forces in the service of our gracious King.

All of this means that if you are seeking fame and fortune (and such behaviour is to be encouraged) then remaining with Mularik's Company gives you best chance of succeeding in your ambitions. Military success is a prerequisite for glory and honour.

With all this in mind, you will therefore be delighted to know that I have spoken to the commanders of the Guards and explained how it would be best for all concerned for you to remain with Mularik's Company. I am sure you will be grateful for how Mularik's Company looks after its own and I wish us all a successful campaign that prospers the cause of the Kingdom and also its soldiers.

Rufus Bronzer - Acting Commander, Mularik's Company.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
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Re: Letter to Mularik's Company Regimental Healer

Post by Torben »

To: Baron Rufus Bronzer
Lt Warlord Mularik's Company

Dear Commander, Baron Rufus

WHAT........you said WHAT to the Royal Foot Guards?!! We're fellow Orlanthi man and I'm an ASSISTANT RUNELORD !! It's that Evil Erik isn't it....he put you up to it, didn't he, what lies did he tell you? The fellow's got it in for me, the jealousy over me being a Lightbringer God and an ASSISTANT RUNELORD is eating him up and so he's trying everything he can to try and thwart my rise within Boldhome.

I've always had the greatest respect for you Commander, the Gods know that I have, but I can't believe that you've fallen for the rubbish he has obviously fed to you.

Plus what's all this business about going to the Front soon? It's damned dangerous over there, wild hordes of chaos demons, legions of undead things and troops of Lunar warriors all with the same idea....to kill Boldhomers! Surely the regiment needs more training and time to hone it's skills before venturing off to such a place, remember what happened to the last Lt Warlord, she never came back, riddled with arrows and left gasping out her last words as I tried desperately to save her!

What about we come up with a compromise! You could send off the battalion with Evil Erik in it, that shows we've a presence out there OR what about you have a word with those RFG Commanders again and suggest that they transfer Erik into their ranks, there must be a few vacancies for Warriors or a Thane?

I pray the wisdom of Lhankor Mhy opens your eyes to the sneaky machinations of Erik and the Blessed grace of Chalana Arroy calms your heart to the sense in remaining in Boldhome so that the regiment can do lots more training and preparations etc, I reckon a couple of seasons at least should do the trick.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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