Preparing for the Feast

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Preparing for the Feast

Post by grumbold99 »

The door of Silks and Sapphires burst open as Grumbold Rahlefson rushed through in a state of agitation.

"One week!" He exclaimed "One week to the feast! Harmeleenrios Senrenvasdaughter will be coming in for her final fitting tomorrow and the accent feathers have only just arrived. We must not use any that could be mistaken for duck feathers, they could cause offence to the Durulz envoy. Or any feathers more than half the length of the Queen's headdress. It wouldn't do to appear to rival her in magnificence. Perhaps the parrot and ptarmigan feathers with rubies and emeralds in the clasp?"

That decided, he mastered his nerves and pondered the remaining fabric and accoutrements. There were bound to be others who had yet to finalise their Feast outfit. WHat could he produce to please the eye and display them to best advantage?

He winced in pain as he carefully pressed his bandaged abdomen. If only there hadn't been that unfortunate encounter with the burly brute Baron Rufus on Daraea's doorstep last month, he could have been escorting her to the ball himself, outfitted in his own designs. What a triumph that might have been! Sadly, while his grasp of military tactics was the equal of any of his peers, there was no denying that his physical skill with a weapon was simply inferior and long hours running the business gave him little time to rectify that. A couple of cuts with his battleaxe had drawn blood but it was like trying to drive off a charging bull with a willow switch. One unblocked thrust from Rufus' spear and he was lying in the ground wondering if the last sight he was going to see in this life was Healer Broar rushing over to render aid. Fortunately, fate had spared him that untimely end and another healer had stauched the bleeding, but Daraea had neither rushed to his side as he lay stricken nor admiringly embraced the victor. It seemed there would be no opportunity to cut a dash, impressing the nobles with his fashion and encouraging sales this time, but oh, he would be ready for the next.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by Erik »

"This is the place I told you of" said Erik as he held the door open for his companion. "Ah, Master Grumbold Rahlefson I presume? We have not been introduced,but I am Erik Stargazer, and this is the lady Yealla Kalolasdaughter. We both will require court dress for the Queen's spring feast and we were hoping that you would have suitable garb. I require nothing fancy for myself, restrained elegance and subtle fashion will suffice, for my lady however it must be an outstanding outfit. No doubt you can supply our needs?"
It did indeed not take long before Erik had been measured for a fine new tunic embroidered with modest emblems showing his allegiance to the Colymar clan, to Mularik's Company and to the Temple of Orlanth. Yealla however needed far more time and attention. "My dear, you need not stay" she said. "Why do you not go to that bar of your, the Pea Pod for a few hours? I will send a message for you when I am done here. I doubt I will be more than another 4 hours or so".
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by Rufus »

Grumbold's next customer caused Grumbold consternation. Rufus strode in with a cheery grin. Not long ago Rufus had nearly killed him in a duel and now the great lump was preening himself in Grumbold's shop.

With a cheery smile, Rufus greeted Grumbold as if he was a long lost friend "What ho, old bean!, just popped by to make sure you are all right" and he gives Grumbold a playful dig in the ribs causing Grumbold to wince. "Must admit you duelled pretty well and scratched me a couple of times. Well fought! Skilfully done! Tried to make sure I didn't do something too serious back" laughed Rufus, slapping Grumbold casually on his back, which almost brought tears to Grumbold's eyes. "And how did you get on with the fair Daraea?" asked Grumbold casually, though he knew full well the answer but was hoping to remove the smug grin off Rufus's face. Rufus though was too full of himself to notice Grumbold's subtle jibe. Smiling broadly Rufus declared "She turned me down - though I guess that is no surprise if I still had blood on me - mostly yours! Going to give it another go though. As you say, she is most fair."

"Is there anything else you need?" asked Grumbold, hoping to get Rufus to leave.

"Why yes, there is! Seems only fair after the duel that I patronise your excellent shop and acquire some suitable attire. The Queen is holding a feast to which only the best people in Boldhome have been invited - including naturally, yours truly. I need new apparel fit to be seen at such an occassion and naturally I thought of Silks and Sapphires as the place to go to." Despite Rufus's boorish behaviour, Grumbold was pleased that his business had been praised and more trade was certainly welcome - especially if it was to be seen at the palace.

"I will measure you up" he replied - though it is quite possible that Grumbold tried to press a bit too hard where Rufus had been wounded but Rufus was such a brute that he did not notice.

Grumbold thought about making something uncomfortable to wear so that Rufus would have a difficult time at the Palace - but professional pride won out. As with Eric, he would make something excellent and most suitable for a great occasion.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by grumbold99 »

Grumbold did indeed consider for a fleeting moment outfitting the great lunk in something that would earn him ridicule. Fuchsia pantaloons with a subtle sag in the posterior? An apricot jacket with chartreuse piping? Perhaps just something that would look elegant on its own but clash violently with the outfits prepared for Erik and Yealla? They would be bound to spend time in close company for part of the feast being regimental colleagues. Yet in the end, personal and professional pride won out. Any ridicule incurred at the feast could only rebound back on his own reputation as a purveyor of the finest apparel.

Grumbold put on a gracious smile as he eased the brocaded jacket over Rufus' broad shoulders. The subtle epaulettes hinted at the rank of the Lt Warlord. The jewels befitted his Baronial rank and status without being too extravagant. He flicked some imaginary lint off the shoulders and admired his handiwork in the floor length bronze mirror.

"Suit you, sir?"
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by Erik »

Erik entered Silks and Sapphires to find the lady Yealla talking quietly to the proprietor. "Erik" she said, Grumbold here assures me that, despite a rush of orders caused by the Queen's Spring feast, he will have our outfits ready for a final fitting in but a few days time. Is that not splendid?"
"Indeed I will, sir and madam. And I hope for much future business from you in the future."
"I am glad to hear it." replied Erik. "I have no doubt that your fashions will be the talk of the Spring Party, and have a flood of new customers at your door. And by the way, your courage in facing Baron Rufus in an affair of honour has not gone un-noticed. You have the respect of all decent people of Boldhome. There is no shame in losing a duel to a more skilled or even just a more lucky opponent. There is only shame in refusing to defend your honour. "
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by Quatlu »

Later on after Erik and their friends had departed from the Pea Pod, Quatlu ventured into the Market to find the shop Erik had so strongly recommended. He found it... Silk and Sapphires... and he wiped his boots off on the door mat before entering. Inside he gazed around at all of the clothing and accoutrements for the well dressed, and at all the customers shopping for their needs, then spoke with a clerk who was between clients. "My friend, Erik Stargazer, told me that this was an excellent shop with high quality clothing and accessories. I need a dress uniform for the Queen's event in the second week of Late Sea, and I should like to purchase my new ensemble here. With whom should I speak for a fitting?" He again cast his gaze about the shop to see if he could spy the owner for assistance.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by grumbold99 »

Grumbold hastily washed and dried his hands and stepped out from the back room of the shop as he heard the sound of another customer enter. The whole week had been one of non-stop work, a far cry from how quiet it had been a couple of months ago. He only wished that he didn't have what seemed like half of the Colymar Cavalry Brigade dropping in all day to ask him why the Pizza stall was closed up and if Johannes was going to be back any time soon? He could only offer apologies and try to look concerned, while selfishly thanking the Gods that he was not being driven to panic every time the door opened. A waft of air redolent with cooking smells filling the shop and saturating the clothes during a fitting would be a disaster.

Of course he recognised the fit young man standing in the shop. His face was familiar from participating in ceremonies in the Great Temple of Orlanth, but this was the first time he had seen him in the uniform of the Royal Foot Guard. Clearly he was a man of prestige to be in such a fine regiment. Moving forward, he introduced himself and assured the gentleman that due to the unprecedented interest in fine garments for the social event of the season, Silks and Sapphires had been able to secure the services of another seamstress of repute. Of course there would be no difficulty in producing a splendid dress uniform for the occasion. One to warm the heart of Darra Ulisdaughter and fill the unattached members of the court with envy, without overstepping the line and offending the more touchy members of the nobility.

Grumbold called Dorcan over to take the measurements while he carefully noted them down himself and discussed fabrics that would hang well on the gentleman's frame both while feasting and at any dancing or entertainments that might follow. He followed on presenting a selection of thread and discussed the necessity for braid of the finest quality that would make the right impression without being overly imposing and vulgar. Finally he offered his regrets that as yet, the shop did not handle leather goods so could not supply military boots. However plans were in train to remedy that as soon as possible, although it would have to wait until after campaign season while he did his military duty.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
Posts: 280
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: Preparing for the Feast

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was very impressed by the shop owner, and recalled seeing Grumbold at the Great Temple of Orlanth. As the man introduced himself, Quatlu said, "Grumbold, I believe I recall seeing you at Orlanth temple ceremonies, have I not? If so, then I know I have come to the right shop to support a fellow Sword Brother in his business." He listened to Grumbold as he described the proposed Court outfit he would assemble and create for Quatlu, and he nodded and agreed that the dress uniform of the Royal Foot Guards should be tastefully elegant without offending the nobility and others of high standing who would be present. He was not trying to present himself as more than he truly was. More important was to warm the heart of his love, Darra Ulisdaughter, and to allow her to be both pleased and proud of his appearance at this, their first Court appearance together. He suggested to Grumbold that this outfit might be created in such a manner that it could be easily embellished with future promotion and awards from campaigning at the Front this year. It was understood that Grumbold's did not offer his customers a fine leather harness and footwear, so Quatlu asked for a reference to a shop that Grumbold recommended for his leather purchases. "Master Grumbold, I place myself in your capable hands to create a masterful appearance for me as a Ten Thane of the Royal Foot Guards, and as the proud escort of Darra Ulisdaughter to the Queen's event. I will await word from you that the task is completed and will look forward to that summons." He smiled, shook Grumbold's hand firmly, and made his way out of the shop.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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