Rules update 1631 - 3 (Late Sea)

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Posts: 2548
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Rules update 1631 - 3 (Late Sea)

Post by Puckohue »

4. Game Basics
  • Standing orders are no longer allowed. Please copy/paste the things you want to keep from one turn to the next, especially dueling orders.
  • Clarified that conditional orders can not be dependent on your CP or income total for the turn. In addition, they must refer to ingame statistics or events, rather than subjective indicators like “if it seems like a good idea” or “if my honour permits”.
8. Inns
  • Added rules on Partying Wild.
9. Toadying
  • Changed location CP gain for parties at someone’s home, or at court: “A guest at a party in someone’s housing (or Court location) receives half the difference between their current CHA and the CHA required to own the residence that the party is taking place in.”
  • Added “There is a chance someone from the Royal Court (most often Elusu the Trickster) will show up at an event hosted by someone with CHA 10+, allowing all present to toady to them, and a chance of Royal Notice.”
  • Added “Inviting the Royal Court”.
12. Intimate Companionship
  • Added: “Dumping a lover is a pre-Turn action.”
      Also: dumping a lover just when you've used their influence earns you a NiS (see below).
    16. War
    • Added -1 Promotion Modifier for Lt Generals.
    18. Appointments
    • Added POW as a possible modifier for applications for military appointments.
    • CP gain for Brigade-thane and Brigadier appointments vary depending on brigade.
    • Corrected the rank requirement for Warking to General.
    • Assistant Priests and above who are in a regiment use their Power instead of Battle to determine battle results, unless they are in a Warrior cult in which case they can use the higher of their skills.
    24. Cults
      • Assistant Priests and above can not belong to a regiment or hold military appointments unless in a Warrior Cult.
          A God-talker or Rune Lord (only) may on their own initiative ask to be sent on a mission for their cult. If the highest ranking cult official is an NPC, their wish is automatically granted. If it’s a PC, the permission must be ordered.

        28. Royal Court
        • Added rules on Court Location. These have been in use from the start of the game, but have not been included in the rules document until now.
        • Added details to Royal Feasts.
        • Added rules on Court Notice. Other mentions of “Royal Notice” in the rules have been amended.
        33. Notoriety in Society (NiS)
        • Added “reverse Mentions”. These will creep into other rules, as a social punishment for bad behaviour.
        Posts: 2548
        Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

        Re: Rules update 1631 - 3 (Late Sea)

        Post by Puckohue »

        16. War
        • Added rules on Campaign Determination. These have been in use from the start, but not in the rules document until now.