A New Year at the Pea Pod

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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Ondurga »

The door banged open and the wind blew the rain in as Jarrek entered the Pea Pod, hastening to shut the door again against the weather.

"Jorl, a fresh round for the table, please! And soup for me, too!" he called out as he joined the others at the table.

"Well met, all," he said, "I cannot get the cold out of my bones at the moment."
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
Posts: 163
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:33 pm

Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

Rufus was reluctant to go to the Pea Pod but Erik was expected to be there and Rufus was keen to see his brother officer.

He strode in, attired in stylish winter clothing - a marked difference from the cheap homespun garments he had worn when he had first arrived in Boldhome. The rain had eased and Rufus's clothing was functional as well as smart.

Erik waved him over and complimented him on his new attire. "Silks and Sapphires is the shop I use" replied Rufus - "Quality clothing. Good enough to go to see the King in". Erik and his companions smiled at this. Both knew that titles and status were a pressing concern for Rufus, desperate as he was to live up to his ancestry despite the poverty of his upbringing.

Erik turned to one of his companions and said "Quatlu, here, will be going to the front in campaigning season and wants some advice."

Quatlu spoke up "You have been at the front a long time protecting our city, advancing the cause of our King and earning glory, fortune and renown. I was hoping you could advise me on how to approach campaigning."

All of which caused Rufus discomfort. Here he was - a noble, son of a chieftain talking to the sort of commoner that his previous mentor, Lord Soaneson, had railed against. Someone who had the manners of the socially successful but had no title of nobility. It was why he had been reluctant to go to the Pea Pod. Yet, Quatlu was such a decent person. It had been Quatlu who had welcomed him to Boldhome and looked after him when he was finding his feet. Worse still, Quatlu was encouraging him to do the activity he most enjoyed, namely talking about himself and what his opinion was on matters of common interest. Despite his upbringing, Rufus warmed to Quatlu and gave the following advice.

"Campaigning is the best way for those endowed with a spirit of nobility to serve the Kingdom and to be recognised for such devotion. It is right and proper that those who are prepared to risk all in service of the King obtain fame and fortune.

You realise that war is the province of danger, and therefore courage above all things is the first quality of a warrior. When I first started campaigning, I was determined to take demonstrate audacity in order to advance my cause. Initially, despite my intrepidity, advancement was slow but my commanders acknowledged my courage and soon I was being mentioned in battlesongs. Sadly, Mularik's Company took many losses but such losses opened the way forward for me to be promoted. With promotion came responsibility and I determined that foolhardy bravery was no longer appropriate when others lives depended on a commander's orders and actions. Now, let me be clear, faintheartedness is destructive and has no place in someone with a noble heart. I (and I expect all the officers in the regiment) to display bravery in the face of the enemy - but recklessness (unless the situation is desperate) is not fitting for a senior officer.

By demonstrating courage, you will receive renown and battlesongs will sing your praise. Then, all, including our majestic lord the King, will realise what a noble bearing you have and acknowledge the same with the title of Baron or even greater.

You are in the Guards. There is no finer regiment to belong to - especially if you are inclined to tactical command. For myself - and for officers such as Erik here, our talents are best displayed by unleashing the power of Orlanth upon the enemy.

Being bold (but not suicidal!) enough to be recognised - and surviving - achieves honour, fame and fortune. Titles and promotions will follow and to have your own command opens up significant advantages and has much to commend it. I sincerely wish you success upon the battlefield."

Rufus concluded with the observation "I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Great Temple of Orlanth. I intend to be there in week two of this season. Hopefully I will be excused a week of duties as an initiate - delighted though I am to have committed myself further to Orlanth as he has protected me in recent months. Indeed, I intend to commit myself further to greater responsibilities in his cult in due course when the time is right. However, I am remarkably busy this month and need as much time as possible - especially as there is a certain young lady I wish to be in the company of!"

Rufus drained his drink - "I must be off to Silk and Sapphires as I believe they also do lovely flower arrangements and other gifts suitable for demonstrating my affection!"
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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