At last, a success!!

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At last, a success!!

Post by Torben »

A knock on the door of his lodgings roused his divine highness, God Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson), from the shallow sleep he had been enjoying before readying himself for yet another round of Chalana Arroy ceremonies. He wondered if his bid to fill the vacant God Talker position would be successful, EVERY single other post he had EVER applied for had been rejected or ignored due to the malevolent forces working against him, pah!

"Letter for you sir", came a voice from outside, "Looks very official and military like".

Ah-ha, thought Broar, this must be the response to my other application, the one to join Mularik's Company as their Regimental Healer. About time it turned up, keeping a man, nay a God, like me waiting so long, totally unacceptable and I'll be having word with their Commander just as soon as I'm in post! In fact, there's no reason why I couldn't be the Commander, this Healer business is just a step in the door, so to speak, far greater things await me surely and if I become the Commander then I can send old Evil Erik off on scouting missions on his own, deep into enemy territory or get him to lead his unit in a frontal charge somewhere....oh, yes he'll not be able to argue with me then, or threaten any of his duels again, orders is orders in the military and Evil Erik will know his 'Ten-Thane' place when Warlord Broar gives him a command!! There's not even a current Warlord for this Mularik lot, just some woman underling acting as the temporary commander, what's her name Bovinedaughter or suchlike, maybe she resembles a cow?! Either way when God Broar takes over she'll be off to pastures new somewhere!

God Broar opened the door to his lodgings and took the letter from the outstretched hand of the pimple faced youth who was stood outside, bedraggled in the Storm season rains.

"It's customary sir for a tip to be giv", before the lad could finish the door was slammed shut in his face, the force of the closure shaking the rain canopy above and causing a significant part of the accumulated rainwater to dislodge and come cascading down to thoroughly drench him, head to foot.

Meanwhile, back inside the rain free and warmth of his lodgings, God Broar eagerly tore open the letter and began reading it's contents....

'On behalf of the Regiment, I have great pleasure in confirming the success of your recent interview to join us as our Regimental Healer. I hereby formally welcome you into our ranks and confirm that you will take up post with immediate effect, the effective rank of Subaltern comes with the post and you will qualify for your own tent and two medical assistants while undertaking any campaigning.

May I wish you all the best for your future with the regiment and I'm sure your new comrades will look forward to meeting you'

Heort Bevunesdaughter
Lt Warlord
Mularik's Company

Oh...oh....hurrah...hurrah....sweet joy...bless the gods and give three cheers for last, at LAST....a successful application! It's only taken a damned year but, finally...finally a yes!! Even better it's to get into Erik's regiment and that means he's now got to acknowledge me as his brother-in-arms, let's see how many challenges to a duel come forth now eh?! Think, me and Erik, both wearing the same uniform, standing together under the same banner and all the time I will have to undertake my medical studies and cures to save him from 'the voices'...all I need now is for those dozy parents of his to send over the 150 lunars so I can pay off that debt, I mean buy those herbs and medicinal components and we're off and running!

Sing out the hallelujahs for sweet success, this must herald a turning point for me now, no more failures, all a thing of the past, it's been a long time coming but I feel life is on the up and up for God Broar, people are beginning to respect me and soon I'll be able to get some decent posts, like that Deputy of Public Harmony etc....hooray!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: At last, a success!!

Post by Ivarenna »

Broar wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:02 am A knock on the door of his lodgings roused his divine highness, God Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson), from the shallow sleep he had been enjoying before readying himself for yet another round of Chalana Arroy ceremonies. He wondered if his bid to fill the vacant God Talker position would be successful, EVERY single other post he had EVER applied for had been rejected or ignored due to the malevolent forces working against him, pah!

"Letter for you sir", came a voice from outside, "Looks very official and military like".

Ah-ha, thought Broar, this must be the response to my other application, the one to join Mularik's Company as their Regimental Healer. About time it turned up, keeping a man, nay a God, like me waiting so long, totally unacceptable and I'll be having word with their Commander just as soon as I'm in post! In fact, there's no reason why I couldn't be the Commander, this Healer business is just a step in the door, so to speak, far greater things await me surely and if I become the Commander then I can send old Evil Erik off on scouting missions on his own, deep into enemy territory or get him to lead his unit in a frontal charge somewhere....oh, yes he'll not be able to argue with me then, or threaten any of his duels again, orders is orders in the military and Evil Erik will know his 'Ten-Thane' place when Warlord Broar gives him a command!! There's not even a current Warlord for this Mularik lot, just some woman underling acting as the temporary commander, what's her name Bovinedaughter or suchlike, maybe she resembles a cow?! Either way when God Broar takes over she'll be off to pastures new somewhere!

God Broar opened the door to his lodgings and took the letter from the outstretched hand of the pimple faced youth who was stood outside, bedraggled in the Storm season rains.

"It's customary sir for a tip to be giv", before the lad could finish the door was slammed shut in his face, the force of the closure shaking the rain canopy above and causing a significant part of the accumulated rainwater to dislodge and come cascading down to thoroughly drench him, head to foot.

Meanwhile, back inside the rain free and warmth of his lodgings, God Broar eagerly tore open the letter and began reading it's contents....

'On behalf of the Regiment, I have great pleasure in confirming the success of your recent interview to join us as our Regimental Healer. I hereby formally welcome you into our ranks and confirm that you will take up post with immediate effect, the effective rank of Subaltern comes with the post and you will qualify for your own tent and two medical assistants while undertaking any campaigning.

May I wish you all the best for your future with the regiment and I'm sure your new comrades will look forward to meeting you'

Heort Bevunesdaughter
Lt Warlord
Mularik's Company

Oh...oh....hurrah...hurrah....sweet joy...bless the gods and give three cheers for last, at LAST....a successful application! It's only taken a damned year but, finally...finally a yes!! Even better it's to get into Erik's regiment and that means he's now got to acknowledge me as his brother-in-arms, let's see how many challenges to a duel come forth now eh?! Think, me and Erik, both wearing the same uniform, standing together under the same banner and all the time I will have to undertake my medical studies and cures to save him from 'the voices'...all I need now is for those dozy parents of his to send over the 150 lunars so I can pay off that debt, I mean buy those herbs and medicinal components and we're off and running!

Sing out the hallelujahs for sweet success, this must herald a turning point for me now, no more failures, all a thing of the past, it's been a long time coming but I feel life is on the up and up for God Broar, people are beginning to respect me and soon I'll be able to get some decent posts, like that Deputy of Public Harmony etc....hooray!
Congratulations, Broar!
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: At last, a success!!

Post by Erik »

Welcome to the Front. Perhaps you will of more use than your usual role as a laughing stock.

Posts: 183
Joined: Fri May 19, 2023 11:07 pm

Re: At last, a success!!

Post by grumbold99 »

Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
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Re: At last, a success!!

Post by Afur »

Phew! Not going to be in the Colymar Cavalry ...

OOC: Congrats
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
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Re: At last, a success!!

Post by Erik »

Overheard conversation in the Mularik's Company between Subaltern Bald Rick and one of the Hundred Thanes

"Sir, can I talk to you about our tactics against the undead?"
"Oh, it's you Rick. No doubt you have a cunning plan"
"Yessir. You know that new healer we have, Broar?"
"Sadly, yes"
"Well he has been going round the lads claiming he can bring the dead back to life. He has been trying to get them to pay him 10 Lunars each in return for him promising to resurrect them"
"I hope no one has fallen for the scheme?"
"No, not even Daft Drogar and you know how gullible he is"
"Well, Delecti the Necromancer only has control over the dead right?"
"Technically Undead, but go on"
"So we send Broar into the enemy camp and he brings all of the skeletons back to life. Then they are no longer dead and Delecti has no control over them so they will go home and the battle is over"
"I can see a possible downside to the plan. The skeletons might just kill Broar out of hand"
"Yes, that could happen. But what's the downside?"
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