Back Again at the Pea Pod

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Back Again at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Yet another month had passed in Boldhome, with the days becoming progressively more wintery. Quatlu once again made his way from the Great Temple of Orlanth through the streets of Boldhome to the Pea Pod, a small, nearby restaurant where new friends and old friends sometimes gathered to share issues as well as their adventures. It was a good place to come to after services at the Great Temple of Orlanth. The atmosphere was always quiet and conducive to friendly conversations, with the delicious smells coming from the kitchen served to whet the appetite of any resident.

Quatlu entered quickly and immediately closed the door in order to keep out the cold. Jarl Anderson, the proprietor, was speaking with a customer at the bar and nodded with a smile to recognize Quatlu's arrival. His regular table next to the fireplace was open, so he removed his cloak and sat down to enjoy the warmth of the friendly, crackling fire. As he settled into his chair, Jarl arrived with a steaming hot mug of mulled wine. "Welcome Master Quatlu", he said jovially as he set down the mug. "Are you expecting company this evening?" "Good evening Jarl", he replied. "I've no scheduled guests, if that's what you mean, but we could have visits from several friends. We'll just have to see who darkens your doorstep. I'll order dinner in a bit." The warrior sat back in his seat and thought back on the Ceremony he'd attended. As an initiate of Orlanth, he'd devoted himself to his temple service duties each season to demonstrate his devout piety to the cult and the High Priest. He had often been noted for his studies and services to the temple, which he hoped would help him receive a promotion to God Talker when the time came. It seemed that most worshippers looked on attendance at services to be a form of mandatory monthly drudgery, but Quatlu had aspirations to rise high in the temple hierarchy and he hoped that his devotion to Orlanth was plain to see.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Back Again at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian Sartarvutsun now of the Colymar Cavalry, slips into the Pea pod, closes the outer door preventing the wind and rain from entering after him. Brushing raindrops from his stubbly hair he looks around for acquaintances. He spots Qualtu and walks carefully over to him.

“Sir” he addresses his senior in the regiment and Cult of Orlanth, “ I have been most fortunate following taking your advice and with uncommon good luck. I am returned from the front as you know and wish to see how I might repay your kindness?”

He offers to buy drinks and they settle in for a good old natter about matters pertaining to hopes and aspirations. Listeners hear tales of being a grunt at the front, death around every rock and of fear and bravery. And LOOT. Other more immediate matters are discussed in private.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Back Again at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was delighted to see his friend Julian again and he stood to pump the man's arm vigorously up and down in a firm handshake. "I heard you had made it back to Boldhome alive and intact, and I was hoping you'd remember to come back here to chew the fat and tell me of your adventures at the front. I'm sorry to say that our Yelmalio friend Rewolf did not share your good fortune, and fell in battle near the end of the season."

He was glad to hear that Julian had decided to join the Colymar Cavalry, an honorable outfit with good people at all ranks. He also explained that he had left the Colymar Cavalry and had chosen to seize an opportunity to enlist in the Royal Foot Guards, along with purchasing a commission as a Ten Thane in that regiment. But he really wanted to hear of Julian's experiences at the Front. "Your safe return is enough thanks for me, my friend", he added when Julian thanked him for his advice and assistance. Then he sat spell-bound as Julian described his adventures at the Front, as well as some plans for the coming seasons.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Back Again at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik had heard much of this establishment, it’s warm welcome, good food and fine drinks. So it was well past time that he tried the place for himself. The weather was threatening, with clouds blowing swiftly across the sky, bringing sharp showers of sleety rain, making Erik glad of his heavy woollen cloak. Fortunately, the natural lanolin in the wool and the tight weave kept him reasonably dry.
Ducking through the doorway he found a pleasant clean tavern, with a welcoming fire and plenty of candles to light the room. “Beeswax, not tallow” he thought to himself. “This place must be doing well”.
The proprietor was serving other patrons at one of the tables and Erik was pleased to recognise his former regimental colleague Quatlu and one of the Colymar Cavalrymen, Julian Sartarvutsun. The warrior started to rise as Erik approached the table but was waved back to his seat. “At ease Julian, we are off duty now and need not bother with precedence. May I join the two of you?” Upon their agreement Erik sat down, the landlord Jarl taking his wet cloak to dry on a hook near the fire.
“Quatlu, I am glad to meet with you. I know we met recently at the temple, but there was no time for a quiet conversation. Firstly, my congratulations on your move to the Royal Foot Guards. That regiment’s gain is our loss, I know you will serve our King and our City well in that prestigious unit. Secondly, I owe you my thanks for putting in a good word for me with Warlord Okinakt Yrshison when I applied for your old job as Regimental Adjutant. He told me that with your and Afur’s support he felt he had little choice but to appoint me!”
Erik suddenly noticed Jarl waiting patiently to take his order. He requested Mulled wine for Quatlu and Julian with a Mulled cider for himself and a bowl of the famous pea soup, before continuing.
“I am glad to have you both hear. We are all adherents of the Storm Lord Orlanth and wish to do well in his service. But the Temple here in Boldhome, whilst it has many worthy members also has too much dead wood. In some cases, such as with A’nonnymous person, whom I recently suggested should take a well earned retirement, they have done great honour to Orlanth, but are brought down by age and old wounds. But in some cases the path to promotion within the temple is blocked by those who have grown fat and lazy in their secure positions. There are many new, younger followers of Orlanth, and the hierarchy needs shaking up!”
Erik leaned back and smiled. “And no doubt some 20 years ago, those same fat and lazy fellows met in a tavern like this and complained of their own superiors in the temple. It will always be the case that the young are eager for advancement. But what say you, do you agree we should press some of the old ones to consider their positions?”
Posts: 280
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: Back Again at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was very pleased to see his old regimental comrade Erik walk in, and it was great to have him join us. "I was looking for another new Orlanth warrior to perhaps join us as well, as he's going to make a good trooper if we can find him a good regimental home. His name his Harold Rastison." Perhaps Harold might wander in from the cold and join them.

"Thanks for the congratulations, Erik", Quatlu said with a big smile. "It was never a sure thing, but Orlanth smiled on my efforts and lo and behold, I'm now a Ten Thane with the Foot Guards." He took a swig of his mulled wine and said, "I was truly glad the Warlord saw fit to promote you to Adjutant, as you will fill that role with distinction." His old comrade chose that time to place his own order with Jarl, and Quatlu added his request for a turine of split pea soup with ham. "Glad you get a chance to get to know Julian. I believe he's going to try for a Subaltern's commission this month."

He listened to Erik's comments about the temple hierarchy and the aging of its ranks, and there were several fellows who could probably be persuaded to retire and sit by a fire somewhere. It would certainly be a positive opportunity for the younger adherents like the men seated here at the table. "I think we should take a long look at who's filling the ranks at the Great Temple. I hate to push a devout worshipper out of a long-held position, though. The new High Priest may have his own ideas about those under him in service to Orlanth, and I'd hate to cross him in that process."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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