1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

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1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Winter Has Come
As winter blankets the land, the rhythm of life continues in Boldhome. Ten-Thane Jarrek, driven by financial needs, secures a loan to repay another. Hundred-Thane Rufus, too, takes a similar path, though not without some disagreement regarding the extent of his new loan. In the pursuit of aligning with his elevated status, Hundred-Thane Rufus secures two additional horses, a necessary acquisition to fulfill the demands of his newfound rank.

However, not all is smooth in the realm's politics. King Argrath, for the second time, decides against titling Hundred-Thane Afur.

City Administrator Leikan "the Mayor" unveils the strategic force deployment plan for the upcoming summer campaign, a critical moment that sets the stage for the challenges and victories that lie ahead in the ever-evolving saga of your realm. The following brigades will be on campaign:
  • Guards Brigade
  • Heavy Brigade
  • Cavalry Brigade
  • 2nd Foot Brigade
  • 3rd Foot Brigade
  • 4th Foot Brigade
  • The Raging Storm
  • The Sun Dome Templars
  • The Tribal Levies
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The City Administrator then appointed
  • Tosti Runefriend as City Lawspeaker
  • Goldgotti as City Treasurer
  • Derdasti Natalrison as her aide
City Warmaster Orstalor Spearlord appointed Senina Ondurnaldasdaughter his aide.

Warking Gananvar Tolaison appointed Lt Warlord Saliast Broasraifson of the Royal Footguards his aide.

Warlord Okinakt Yrshison of the Colymar Cavalry appointed Ten-thane Erik Regimental Adjutant, persuaded in part by Afur.

Neither Broar nor Erik were appointed aides to Colymar Chieftains. Broar lacked the influence needed to be considered for the posts of aide to the City Administrator or City Warmaster. Rhosyn found no appointment as aide to a Dinacoli Drighten, nor did Ondureen find a position as aide to an Eorl, nor Johannes as aide to a Chieftain.

Quatlu was appointed aide to Eorl Jenga Aeensdaughter, and Rufus aide to Lord Venkal Soaneson of the Kheldon tribe.

Afur is promoted to God-Talker of Ernalda. Erik and Quatlu both sought promotion to God-Talker of Orlanth, but were told to wait at least until Early Storm Season. Ondureen asked for a promotion to Assistant Axe Maiden (Rune-Lord) of Babeester Gor, but was denied.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Goings on in Boldhome
Hundred-Thane Rufus made a valiant effort to persuade his acting Warlord, Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter, to volunteer Mularik's Company for frontline duty, but she remained steadfast in her refusal. Unyielding in his resolve, Rufus himself volunteered his battalion. It was attached to the Kheldon Tribal Levy and assigned to carry out field operations against the Lunars in Tarsh.

Amidst the backdrop of these developments, several newcomers and familiar faces found solace and pleasure in the realm's various establishments. Newcomer Harold, born into a free carl family of the Khedon tribe, joined the ranks of patrons at Yummy Hot Pizza, following in the footsteps of Julian and Quatlu, who also found themselves drawn to the culinary delights of this establishment. Subaltern Orlkastar, too, embraced the pleasures of the season as a patron at Erinestra's.

Conspicuous consumption became a shared indulgence among the group, as Broar, Erik, Harold, Julian, Orlkastar, Quatlu, and Saling all partook in the luxuries of life.

The city's various establishments witnessed a surge of regular patrons. Afur and Erik found their way to the welcoming embrace of The Scribbled Scroll, while Harold and Julian became beloved regulars at The Red Beaver. Saling, on the other hand, discovered a new sense of belonging at Fantarn's, where he immersed himself in the vibrant atmosphere of the place.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
Harold, in his quest for spiritual connection, joined the cult of Orlanth as a lay member, embracing the traditions and beliefs of this revered deity.

Julian found a new path in his journey as he was accepted into the Colymar Cavalry, marking his transition into the ranks of Warriors. Ondureen's ambitions were met with a challenge as he applied to join the Eaglebrown Warlocks, but was ultimately turned away. Saling, determined to serve in a military capacity, sought to join Mularik's Company, but his path led him to the Eaglebrown Warlocks instead, where he purchased the rank of Subaltern, setting the stage for his military career.

Nala honed his skills with the broadsword at the Wolfrunner barracks, dedicating himself to the mastery of this martial art.

In a display of reverence and devotion, several individuals engaged in sacred ceremonies. Afur participated in a ceremony at the Ernalda temple, connecting with the divine. Broar found solace and wisdom in the sacred halls of the Lhankor Mhy library, toadying to the Chief Priest. Grumbold and Johannes embarked on their own spiritual journey, participating in a ceremony at the Issaries temple, where Grumbold displayed his reverence by toadying to the High Priest. Quatlu, accompanied by Harmeleenrios, offered prayers of gratitude to Orlanth for his acceptance into the Royal Foots Guards during a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth, toadying before the High Priest.

Johannes and Erinestra diligently tended to their shops, ensuring their businesses continued to thrive.

Erik, driven by love and ambition, courted the wealthy and influential Yealla Kalolasdaughter, gifting her an illuminated Life of Orlanth as a token of his affection. Their connection deepened, and they now stand as a couple, their hearts entwined in a new chapter of their lives.

At the doorstep of the beautiful and wealthy Silast Anolanson, Jarrek and Rhosyn found themselves entangled in a heated confrontation. They resolved to settle their differences through a duel.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Duel for Silast
In a fiery clash of wills, Jarrek and Rhosyn took up their chosen weapons, preparing for a duel of consequence. Jarrek wielded a battle axe, showcasing his expertise with this formidable instrument of war, while Rhosyn, resolute and unyielding, grasped a spear, a symbol of her determination.

As the duel commenced, it became evident that Jarrek possessed superior weapon expertise, but Rhosyn's strength and innate Power were undeniable. She seized the initiative and immediately landed a hit on Jarrek, though she was unable to follow up, as both duelists vied for position without either gaining a distinct advantage. The tense standoff persisted until Jarrek, displaying his prowess, inflicted a deep but non-crippling wound on Rhosyn, who, in her unwavering resolve, paid little heed to her own defense.

However, the tide of battle shifted as Rhosyn's determination prevailed. With a resolute strike, she delivered a telling blow that left Jarrek off balance. A potential end to the duel beckoned, but Jarrek, determined to defend himself, blocked her subsequent attack and maneuvered her into an unfavorable position. Yet, Jarrek failed to capitalize on his advantage, allowing Rhosyn to land another hit, further unsettling him. In the end, recognizing the precariousness of his situation, Jarrek made the decision to surrender.

The performance of Rhosyn in the duel left a lasting impression, with Silast himself deeply impressed by her unwavering courage and prowess on the battlefield.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
In a continuous quest for self-improvement, Nala dedicated his time to training with the broadsword at the Wolfrunner barracks, sharpening his skills for potential future challenges.

Orlkastar, on the other hand, chose to embrace the merriment of the week as he indulged in carousing at The Red Beaver, seeking enjoyment and camaraderie in the lively atmosphere of the establishment.

Afur remained steadfast in his commitment to his cult, dutifully performing his responsibilities at the temple of Ernalda. He dedicated time to studying the Harmony Rune, further deepening his understanding of the divine.

Broar's reverence for the divine led him to participate in a ceremony at the Chalana Arroy temple, where he exhibited conspicuous piety and toadied to the Chief Priest, demonstrating his unwavering devotion.

Erik, guided by both personal and spiritual motives, escorted Yealla to the temple of Orlanth. Together, they participated in a sacred ceremony and showed their respect to the High Priest. In this moment of connection, Erik expressed gratitude to Orlanth for both Yealla's presence and his appointment as regimental adjutant. Joining them in this sacred gathering were Ondureen, Quatlu, Harold, and Julian, with the latter commending the support offered by Quatlu.

Erinestra continued to embrace the traditions of her faith, bringing Arng to the temple of Issaries. Together, they participated in a ceremony that strengthened their spiritual connection.

Grumbold's devotion extended into the realm of commerce as his cult duties resulted in the opening of his new small shop, "Silks and Sapphires".

Rhosyn's spiritual journey took her to the Yelmalio shrine, where she actively participated in a ceremony, paying her respects by toadying to the Rune Lord.

Saling, dressed for courtship and with an air of anticipation, embarked on a quest to find a connection, though it appeared that the intended rendezvous did not materialize, leaving the details of this romantic pursuit shrouded in mystery.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
In their relentless pursuit of martial prowess, Jarrek honed his battle axe skills at Goldgotti's barracks, while Nala continued his diligent practice of the broadsword at the Wolfrunners' barracks, each dedicated to their chosen weapon.

Saling, on the other hand, chose a different path, immersing himself in the pleasures of the week through lively carousing at Fantarn's, reveling in the vibrant atmosphere. In contrast, Harold, Johannes, and Orlkastar sought solace and intimacy in the worship of Uleria at the temple, fostering connections with intimate companions. However, Julian's intended visit to the temple was interrupted by a reminder of his regimental duties, diverting his course to the Colymar Cavalry stables.

Spiritual devotion took center stage for some as Afur, Erik, and Quatlu engaged in a ceremony at the Orlanth temple. They burned incense in memory of the fallen followers of Orlanth and other Warrior cults from recent campaigns, paying their respects in this sacred act. Toadying before the High Priest, they displayed their reverence and devotion.

Broar, in his unwavering pursuit of knowledge, participated in a ceremony at the Lhankor Mhy library, paying homage to the Chief Priest and embracing the wisdom contained within those hallowed halls. Ondureen, guided by her faith in Babeester Gor, engaged in a ceremony at the shrine, toadying to the Rune Lord, further deepening her connection to her chosen deity. Rhosyn, in her own spiritual journey, visited the Yelmalio shrine, displaying reverence and toadying to the Rune Lord, strengthening her bond with the divine.

Erinestra, in her role as a diligent entrepreneur, dedicated her time to tending to her shop, ensuring that her business continued to thrive and prosper in the bustling city.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
Rhosyn's aspirations to join the esteemed ranks of the Snakepipe Dancers as a Warrior were fulfilled, and she received an extension until Sacred Time to acquire a horse, a crucial step in her new role.

Jarrek, resolute in his commitment to martial excellence, continued to practice the battle axe at Goldgotti's barracks, further honing his combat skills.

Orlkastar, seeking leisure and enjoyment, indulged in the festivities of carousing at the Red Beaver, reveling in the vibrant atmosphere. Meanwhile, Julian's intention to join the revelry was interrupted by the reminder of his regimental duties at the Colymar Cavalry stables.

Afur and Nala found solace and companionship through their worship at the temple of Uleria, connecting with intimate partners in the sacred space. Saling, while on his way to partake in this spiritual experience, was reminded of his responsibilities at the Eaglebrown Warlocks barracks, leading him on a different path.

Harold, dedicated to self-improvement, focused on training his physical strength, striving to become more formidable.

Quatlu, on the other hand, dedicated his time to mastering the battle axe at the Royal Foot Guards barracks, channeling his energies into martial skill.

Broar's quest for spiritual understanding led him to participate in a ceremony at the Chalana Arroy temple, where he displayed conspicuous piety and toadied to the Chief Priest, deepening his connection to the divine.

Erik, in a demonstration of both love and reverence, brought Yealla to the temple of Orlanth. Together, they participated in a sacred ceremony and expressed their devotion by toadying to the High Priest. Grumbold and Johannes also immersed themselves in spiritual devotion, participating in a ceremony at the temple of Issaries, and toadying to the High Priest, further embracing the traditions of their faith. Ondureen, faithful to Babeester Gor, engaged in a ceremony at the shrine, toadying to the Rune Lord, enhancing her connection with her chosen deity.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Front
Rufus found himself and his battalion attached to the Kheldon tribal levy, with their acting Warlord proving to be less than competent. As a result, they faced adversity on the battlefield and were eventually driven from the field of battle. Rufus's own performance in this tumultuous situation was marked as inconclusive, with the outcome of his actions remaining uncertain.

Despite the challenges faced, Rufus managed to secure a place in the annals of battlesongs, a testament to his presence and actions on the front lines. Additionally, he demonstrated resourcefulness by successfully ransoming a prisoner, showcasing his ability to navigate the complex dynamics of war.

In the face of adversity and conflict, Rufus and his battalion remained committed to their duty, as they were slated to continue their deployment at the front until the arrival of Sacred Time.
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Re: 1630 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The local crier forgot to mention that King Argrath also declined to title Hundred-Thane Rufus, who had been brought to his attention.