1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

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1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Harvest Time

Erinestra, perhaps seeking a new chapter in her life's story, made the decision to liquidate her small shop.

Broar and Ten-thane Finn embark on financial ventures, taking loans from moneylenders. Broar swiftly uses the funds to repay an existing debt, demonstrating a keen sense of financial responsibility.

Hundred-thane Ondureen's efforts to encourage a God-talker at the Babeester Gore shrine to resign meet with resistance, showcasing the challenges inherent in such requests.

Finn's aspirations for a Hundred-thane position within the Eaglebrown Warlocks regiment meet a roadblock as no vacancies are available at the moment.

The pursuit of opportunities as aides leads to both triumph and disappointment. While Broar, Johannes, Rufus, and Ten-thane Erik's attempts to secure positions yield no results, Lavi's perseverance results in an appointment as Aide to Lady Doisola Jarnarensdaughter. Similarly, Ondureen's dedication is rewarded with an appointment as Aide to Lady Instershi Terdisdaughter.

The decisions of leaders, such as King Argrath and Elusu, shape the course of events. King Argrath reappoints Gananvar Tolaison as Warking, a role integral to the tribe's leadership structure. Elusu appoints Ten-Thane Havula Carasraisdaughter as her aide, reflecting her faith in Havula's abilities.

Efforts to influence the involvement of Mularik’s Company on the front lines bear fruit through persuasive arguments. Warlord Henastsdaughter's decision to volunteer the entire Mularik’s Company comes as a result of Ten-thane Rufus's compelling reasoning.

Rufus and Jarrek also tried to get Warlord Kalvathsdaughter to volunteer Goldgotti’s Company, but she refused. Jarrek, however, managed to persuade Hundred-thane Lisganison to volunteer Battalion 3 of Goldgotti’s Company. And off they went.

Initiations into cults mark moments of spiritual growth. Erik and Quatlu's initiation into the cult of Orlanth reflects their commitment to these beliefs. Grumbold's initiation into the cult of Issaries takes place before his departure for the front. Erinestra sought a position as God-talker of Issaries, but was bypassed. Lavi wanted to initiate into the cult of Lhankor Mhy, but was told to wait a while.

A mix of motivations and circumstances leads individuals like Julian and Rewolf to volunteer for service at the front lines, highlighting their courage and dedication. Julian volunteered for the Colymar tribal levy, and Rewolf for the Sun Dome Templars.

Newly arrived Rhosyn, the child of a poor Dinacoli cottar, joined the patrons of Erinestra’s Axe Emporium and Tattoo Parlour, where she bought a magical spear. Ondureen was planning to take her shopping to a shop Grumbold had talked about opening, but he had left for the front instead.

Broar, Dararda, Erik, Ondureen, Quatlu, and Rhosyn indulge in moments of conspicuous consumption. Erinestra became a regular at Fantarn’s, and Rhosyn at The Red Beaver.

Dararda asked Lt Warlord Duresata Natalsdaughter of the Snakepipe Dancers to be excused from a week of regimental duties, but she declined the request. Ondureen’s plea to be excused from a week of cult duties was also denied.
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Re: 1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
Orlkastar embraced a new role as a lay member within the Storm Bull cult, seeking deeper connection and understanding. Ondureen, driven by her ambitions, left the Bush Rangers to ascend as a Ten-thane among the esteemed ranks of the Candle Dancers.

Dararda and Nala honed their combat skills. Dararda focused on the spear, diligently fulfilling her regimental duties within the Snakepipe Dancers' confines, while Nala wielded the broadsword at the Wolf Runners barracks.

Erik's commitment to mastery continued as he practiced his broadsword skills within the Colymar Cavalry barracks, adding a glint of polish to his armor through metal polish from Erinestra's Emporium. Lavi spent the week doing constitution exercises.

Rhosyn found solace and companionship within the rituals of the Uleria temple.

Throughout the week, various temple ceremonies unfolded, each participant toadying to the respective high figures. Broar engaged with Lhankor Mhy's teachings, Johannes offered reverence to Issaries, and Quatlu's conspicuous piety shone as he prayed for the safety and valor of his comrade Julian at the front.

Erinestra revealed her reason for liquidating her small shop when she opened a large shop: Erinestra's Emporium Extraordinaire.
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Re: 1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
Rhosyn visited the Yelmalio cult, where she as a Dinacoli was welcome to initiate.

The rhythm of regimental duties continued for Dararda and Nala, both committed to refining their weapon skills in their second week of training.
Ondureen's pursuit of romance and connection bore fruit as she courted and won the heart of Enteth Ullasdaughter.

In the spirit of enjoyment and relaxation, Lavi's week was flavored with carousing at The Red Beaver. Meanwhile, Orlkastar and Johannes turned to the temple of Uleria for their devotions, engaging in worship within its hallowed walls.

Finn concluded his two-week course at the Military Academy, undoubtedly gaining valuable insights and skills.

Broar participated with conspicuous piety in a ceremony at the temple of Chalana Arroy, toadying to the Chief Priest. Erik with Gnarg worshiped at the temple of Orlanth, toadying to the High Priest. Erinestra with Eslanla worshiped at the temple of Issaries. Quatlu spent a second week participating in ceremonies at the Orlanth temple, toadying to the High Priest, this week bringing Harmeleenrios. He prayed for the safety and success of Sword Brothers Afur and Rufus at the front, and for remembering Sword Sister Elisia.
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Re: 1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
Rhosyn performed her cult duties as initiate of Yelmalio.

Orlkastar remained dedicated to his regimental duties, fulfilling them at the Eleven Lights barracks. Nala, on the other hand, invested her time in honing her broadsword skills during her third week of practice.

Erik's attempt at hosting a party met with a lack of attendance, but his toast to the triumphs and memories of his friends at the front demonstrated his unwavering solidarity with those in the midst of battle.

The week also saw moments of intimate connection as Broar, Lavi, and Dararda engaged in worship at the temple of Uleria, fostering their bonds in the embrace of spiritual companionship.

Finn directed his focus towards the refinement of his spear skills, practicing diligently at the Eaglebrown Warlocks barracks. Meanwhile, Quatlu's spiritual journey persisted with his third consecutive week of temple ceremonies at the Orlanth shrine.

Erinestra's attention remained devoted to her newly established shop, tending to its needs and potential customers.
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Re: 1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
Orlkastar sought his own brand of entertainment, spending time in solitude as he caroused at The Red Beaver.

Erinestra's party at Fantarn's gathered Eslanla, Dararda, Johannes, and Lavi for a night of revelry and camaraderie. The celebration included carousing, toadying, and the sharing of companionship. Erinestra's thoughtful gesture of providing coupons for conspicuous consumption at her shop highlighted her generosity as a host.

Nala worshipped at the temple of Uleria, engaging in intimate rituals that deepened his connection to the world around him.

Quatlu focused on honing his skills, dedicating his time to practicing with the broadsword at the Colymar Cavalry stables. Meanwhile, Broar delved into the study of Homeland Lore, immersing himself in knowledge at the Lhankor Mhy library.

Erik and Finn's participation in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth showcased their commitment to their chosen faith, as they toadied to the High Priest and reinforced their dedication to their beliefs.
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Re: 1630 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Front

Even when most are needed at home for the harvest, some have to protect the Kingdom of Sartar and Dragon Pass from its enemies. King Argrath decided to take command of the troops himself, reassigning parts of the forces to non-Lunar threats, and detailing tactical maneuvers and ingenious use of magic.

Assault on the Tusk Riders
Addressing the Colymar tribal levy, King Argrath reassigned it to assault Tusk Rider camps in the Stinking Forest.


The assault was inconclusive. Casualties were high, including the Warlord and the entire 2nd Battalion.

Hundred-thane Afur, leading Squadron 2 of the Colymar Cavalry, was mentioned in battlesongs.

The Siege of Bagnot
The Kheldon tribal levy, with the 3rd battalion of Goldgotti’s Company attached, was instructed to keep the siege of Bagnot going. Unable to provide the town with the grain needed for winter, and suffering from a lack of defensive troops, the town surrendered! Another victory!

The Defence of Slavewall
Addressing Mularik's Company, King Argrath ordered it to set up defensive positions around the recently liberated town of Slavewall, against Lunar counter-attacks.

The performance of the regiment was inconclusive, despite the instructions from the King. Minor units of Lunar raiders managed to harass parts of the local populace busy with the harvest. Despite this, the Warlord was promoted.

Assault on the Chaos Hordes
Addressing the Sun Dome Templars, King Argrath ordered an assault on Chaos hordes gathering in Snakepipe Hollow. The result was a bloody victory. Volunteer Warrior Rewolf was mentioned in battlesongs, and temporarily promoted to Subaltern. He was also seen looting the foul corpses on the battlefield.