1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
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1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Puckohue »

  • Field Army Commander Saliamath Garriordson will appoint the Field Army Quartermaster General.
  • Field Army Commander Saliamath Garriordson will also appoint the Field Army Adjutant.
  • Adjutant-General Hofdang Jarstastson will appoint the 1st Division Commander.
  • Adjutant-General Hofdang Jarstastson will also appoint the Frontier Division Commander.
  • Brigadier Entreea Korltipsdaughter will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the 1st Foot Brigade.
  • Brigadier Dangiling Kankalalsteson will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the 3rd Foot Brigade.
  • Brigadier Otip Natalraethninason will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the 4th Foot Brigade.
  • Captain of King’s Escort Liganka Ivarlanisdaughter will appoint Troopers of the King's Homeguard.
  • Captain of Mularik’s Escort Aissa Kantarsdaughter will appoint Troopers of Mularik's Escort.
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

THIS INVITATION HAS TO BE WITHDRAWN as Afur cannot be an Officer until he joins a Regiment which is a weekly action!

Also cannot join that Inn as a regular until next month!


To celebrate my joining the Colymar Cavalry as an Officer I invite all warriors (except Free Men) to a party at the Crazy Horse Inn Week 1, 1630 - 2 (Early Sea)


OOC: All PCs except members of the Free Men Regiment. pay your own costs - which will be 7 - but you should get good SP. Do not forget to Carouse and Toady!
Last edited by Afur on Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Torben »

Great Arfur,

I am gladdened to hear of your success in becoming an Officer.

Sadly, I feel, such heights are above me and the only heights I may soon witness are of a more divine sort, for I'm such a lowly wretch only acts of heroism will bring me glory.....albeit more likely to bring me something far more lethal.

Anyway, thank you for the invite and let us see what fate and the Gods may bring.....gulp!

Broar Hofarson
Destitute Cottar's son
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Erinestra »

Sir Arfur

Your kind offer is most welcome and i look forward t oseeing you at the Inn, perhaps we coudl discuss if there are posstavailable in your cavalry unit as well.

To be honest a young girl such as myself is completely lost in a huge metropolis such as Boldhome and it is good of you to make us welcome.
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Broar wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:59 am Great Arfur,

I am gladdened to hear of your success in becoming an Officer.

Sadly, I feel, such heights are above me and the only heights I may soon witness are of a more divine sort, for I'm such a lowly wretch only acts of heroism will bring me glory.....albeit more likely to bring me something far more lethal.

Anyway, thank you for the invite and let us see what fate and the Gods may bring.....gulp!

Broar Hofarson
Destitute Cottar's son

Your advantage is that all achievements are your own, and you have no weight of family expectations upon your shoulders.

Hopefully you will soon qualify to become an Inn Regular, and even to join the Colymar Cavalry, although you might find service in another regiment more suited even from this month!

(Apologies, the Scribe added an R to my name in my early dispatches!)
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Erinestra wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 12:52 pm Sir Arfur

Your kind offer is most welcome and i look forward t oseeing you at the Inn, perhaps we coudl discuss if there are posstavailable in your cavalry unit as well.

To be honest a young girl such as myself is completely lost in a huge metropolis such as Boldhome and it is good of you to make us welcome.

I am not (yet) a Knight though hope, if Ernalda is willing, it may one day be true.

I am not in command of the Regiment, though my plan is to command a 'hundred'. I think you would qualify to be a subaltern, though you might rise faster in an Infantry Regiment (OOC: Get more CP coming to a Club that would otherwise be your own)

Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Puckohue »

A few more appointments:
  • Brigadier Orandra Korlorisdaughter will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the Brigade of Guards.
  • Brigadier Gadang Lonneolason will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the Magical Union Brigade.
  • Brigadier Jarnarne Rakelarsdaughter will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the Heavy Brigade.
  • Brigadier Tarla Fortipsdaughter will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the Cavalry Brigade.
  • Brigadier Hofkle Ginson will appoint the Brigade-Thane of the 2nd Brigade of Foot.
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Last edited by Afur on Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
Initiate, Cult of Orlanth
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Broar wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:59 am Great Arfur,

I am gladdened to hear of your success in becoming an Officer.

Sadly, I feel, such heights are above me and the only heights I may soon witness are of a more divine sort, for I'm such a lowly wretch only acts of heroism will bring me glory.....albeit more likely to bring me something far more lethal.

Anyway, thank you for the invite and let us see what fate and the Gods may bring.....gulp!

Broar Hofarson
Destitute Cottar's son
OOC Sadly I had assumed that join Regiment was a pre-weekly action, though it is not! Therefore no party this month!
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
Initiate, Cult of Orlanth
Charisma: 14
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Re: 1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Afur wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:45 pm Brigadier Tarla Fortipsdaughter,
Cavalry Brigade,

It is almost certain that I shall be a Hundred-Thane in the Colymar Cavalry by the time you come to appoint a Brigade-Thane. I would, therefore, most humbly, request consideration for this position.

OOC Sadly I had assumed that join Regiment was a pre-weekly action, though it is not! Therefore NO application for Brigade-Thane!
Last edited by Afur on Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
Initiate, Cult of Orlanth
Charisma: 14
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