Is that a turnip in your pocket?

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Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Johannes »

Johannes, son of Carl Arasik, was sitting on a thousand turnips. Whilst an uncomfortable ride on the farmer's wagon, it was easier than walking in the mud. However he was unhappy for another, more important, reason. His skill with trade had helped his father profit in various ways, and Papa had smiled on him. He'd dreamed of greater things until his jealous half-sister Karen the bitch had questioned his honesty. Papa had advised Johannes to "Go to Boldhome, look up some of my old contacts, and see how you go until Karen is married off. Then we'll see..."

Looking ahead, he could see the gates of Boldhome. He knew it from accompanying Papa in the past but this was his first time alone. He decided the first thing to do would be to give thanks at the Great Temple, and seek guidance...
Johannes Arasikson
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Quatlu »

Hail Johannes, son of Carl Arasik,

Welcome to Boldhome and the start of your great adventure. By starting your path at the Great Temple to ask for guidance and to give thanks is a great beginning. I have never been to the Great Temple of Issaries, but I know you will find a good start there. May your god grant you favor in your business dealings and bless you with profits. Perhaps I will see you around Boldhome and we can have a drink to your success.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Torben »

Blessings upon you Johannes,

As Boldhome's only real significant Chalana Arroy worshipper.....many compare me to a white dove of peace amongst a den of wolves.....allow me to welcome you to the city with true words of friendship.

Perhaps, too, I may offer some sound advice that will stand you in good stead. Such advice is best heard in a relaxed setting, in good company, away from the din of barbarous, stinky, types who prattle on about warfare and anyone who is not a friend is a rival, shocking, I know, but there are plenty of these around. In particular I would alert you to the presence of one Erik Starkraving, a deranged brute who'll seek to fight anyone who he deems even looks at him in a particular way....though, to be honest, why anyone would want to look at him defies me!

So, what about coming over to my prestigious Inn, The Scribbled Scroll, the likes of psycho Erik aren't allowed in there, the customers are a far more refined and pleasant crowd. I can treat you to some excellent food, something other than turnip (!), and provide you with heaps of advice and even speak up for you if you'd like to join the ranks of the blessed mother, Chalana Arroy, or the Lord of Wisdom, all hail to his bushy beard, Lhankor Mhy.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Harold »

Rewolf of the Dinacoli, Looked around the big city, a boy from the country totally over whelmed by the hustle & bustle of the place, as he observed the throng of humanity going about their daily tasks, the piece of straw he was sucking on moved from left to right in his mouth. It had been a long walk to get here, first guided by the stars, then by his nose as the smells of the city had assailed his nose, that had been two days ago but now he stood ready to being making his way in the world.

He decided to earn his supper his supper with a performance of his latest work, he stood in the middle of the market place & began to recite

(OOC, to understand the poem, think of a West country dialect, Carrot Cruncher, Wurzel etc.)

As down droo the world we be twisted an' twirled
In the waters o' fate zoo uncertain
Mid the joys an' the paains, an' the losses an' gaains,
Tis noo use a-talkin'-zome on's'll be walkin',
An' zome better off 'll be ridin',
But 'tidden noo odds in the zight o' the Gods
If a man got the right stuff inzide 'en

The journey's a tough 'en, the path is a rough 'en
An' zome on's da zlip now an' then,
But doon't ee jeerin', or laughin',or zneerin',
We shan't pass along here agen
Jist hold out thee han'an'zaay "Buck up, woold man;
The path'll get zmoother zome daay"
An' make life your debtor because things is better
Because you've a passes by this waay.

Thur's niver a straain, thur's niver a paain,
Thur's nivre a doubt to come o'er us,
An' niver a grief , zoo tis my belief,
But were zuffered be volk gone bevore us.
Zoo teak heat o'greace, look fate in the feace,
Stand vower-square to all that bezet 'ee
An 'then the Well Done 'll be your'n me zon,
An'you'll leff zome behind to regret 'ee

After as he gathered all the vegetables thrown by the crowd after his performance into his cooking pot & scraped some of the residue from his armour, he decided he could get used to live in the big smoke, maybe. Just maybe there was a friend out there waiting to be found. Where are all those Turnips going he wondered?
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Erik »

Welcome to Boldhome Johannes and Rewolf,

Both of you are welcome to join me for drinks at the Crazy Horse in week 2, although we are probably too late now for this month (and I may be on campaign in any case). Alternatively perhaps we could meet at the temple of Orlanth? Anyway, if I can help, let me know.

Erik Stargazer,
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Quatlu »

Hail Rewolf of the Dinacoli,

Your public audition seems to have earned you a dinner of fresh produce, which is an original act of self-sufficiency. Well done! I hope to see you around Boldhome to meet you and have a drink together. I do not know your aspirations for trade or war, but perhaps as a warrior bard? I will be in the Great Temple of Orlanth in week two for a worship ceremony if you'd like to attend, or perhaps afterwards to meet as friends. Mind the pick pockets.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Harold »

Considering becoming an "Battle Poet," Causing, enemies to cover their ears or be demoralized by "Bad Ballads; Shocking Songs & Furious Fables"
They won't know what hit 'um.

There's plenty of soup in the pot, The crowd really knows how to appreciate Battle Poetry.

Thankyou Mr Erik Sir & Mr Quatlu, your words & kind offers much appreciated. I shall prepare poems in your honour for future events, although it may be a struggle to find a word that rhymes with Quatlu!
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Torben »

To: Rewolf, a fellow poet

If I were wearing a hat I'd take it off to you my friend - we in Chalana Arroy always prefer to keep our heads / faces uncovered by helmets and caps etc - so instead I'll do a quick bow in recognition of such promising talent.

I see that the Colymar have already sent you their 'greetings'.....a word of caution dear fellow, theirs is a world or warfare and woe, not one of wise and whimsical words......go for a drink with any of them and you'll soon find yourself packed off to the Front or in the middle of a duelling circle because something you said, or a look you gave, apparently caused offence!!

No, lad, best to stick with those of us who aren't psychotic killers, we who share your love of poetry, compassion and commerce. Allow me to treat you to a slap up dinner and drinks at my local hostelry, the prestigious Scribbled Scroll, a place where the uncouth Colymar aren't welcome and thus the place is free from rampaging drunkards and, in particular, the stinkyness that surrounds them.

Perhaps, too, it is a sign that names such as Quatlu & Erik are hardly endearing to the ear of a true poet?! However, I'm sure you'll agree that when it comes to yours truly here, i.e. me, then how so different is the case when one can't help but think......he's the talk of the city, that Chalana devotee, that legend who values both peace and fact when it comes to BROAR, one cannot help but be in AWE!

Hope to see you soon,

Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Julian »

It seems as if there are a few new faces in Boldhome and I, Julian am one! I believe that Johannes and Rewolf are two more. I hope to meet you both in the coming seasons and discuss our journeys leading here. I hope you will also allow me to discuss the calorific content of turnips (of which there is a glut?) as i believe they are nutritious and err, cheap?

And to my seniors here I extend my courtesies and wish you all well in your efforts and I hope to meet you all at some point and receive your wisdom. Or a tip…
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
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Re: Is that a turnip in your pocket?

Post by Quatlu »

Greetings Julian,

I see you're reaching out to new comers to Boldhome, which is an excellent way to begin your new life away from home. I noted you mentioned two other new comers by name, Johannes and Rewolf, who appear to be in a similar position to your own. Allow me to offer the opportunity to gather to talk and compare background information as well as goals and aspirations. As I have done before, allow me to invite you and the other two newcomers to have a simple meal with me at a small, local restaurant near the Great Temple of Orlanth, called the Pea Pod. They make the best split pea soup in the city. An ample meal both filling and cheap. I shall make my way there after the ceremony at the Great Temple of Orlanth in week two, and I shall look for you then. May fortune and honor favor you, Johannes and Rewolf.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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