Rufus - an introduction

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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Quatlu »

Sword Brother Rufus,

I thank you for your kind words and your brave and noble stance regarding the Front this month. Perhaps Orlanth will smile on your bravery and grant you your wish to make your way to the Front and slay the accursed Lunars on the field of battle. I need one more month of training at the Military Academy to increase my Battle rating before seeking combat, so I need to wait out this month. But if my regiment goes then I will take this as a sign from Orlanth and go enthusiastically to fight the Lunars. If the regiment does not go, I shall look to see you in Week Two at the temple for the High Priest's ceremony, that we might worship Orlanth together.

May your sword be ever sharp!
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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